When Magnus started modelling at the age of 2-3 years old, I thought that it was very wrong. I did not like the idea of him getting the experience of only being praised because of his looks instead of what a wonderful and amazing boy he is. After a few model jobs, I discovered how the industry works with kids, and realized that is was a huge advantage that Magnus got praise for all the things he had a difficult time with at kindergarden and in school. He received a lot of praise for his concentration, openmindness, attitude, curiosity and for generally being a very happy boy.
“After a few model jobs, I discovered how the industry works with kids, and realized that is was a huge advantage that Magnus got praise for all the things he had a difficult time with at kindergarden and in school“
Magnus has severe ADHD meaning he was lacking a lot of that praise at school. Therefore, his jobs as a model started having a higher meaning than just getting his picture taken. It contributes to his self-confidence and self-esteem. In addition to that, it gives him an introduction to what having a job is like and to the fact that people expect something from him. He also learns that you have to work together as a team to reach your goals. He will benefit from these experiences for the rest of his life.